Mercado Central
Santiago, Región Metropolitana, ChileStretching across 2,600 miles along the Pacific, Chile boasts a breathtaking coastline abundant in exquisite seafood, much of which finds its showcase at the intricate wrought-iron Mercado. Seasoned visitors haggle over glistening sea bass, abalone, impressive picorocos (massive barnacles), delicate sea urchins, and enormous conger eels suspended from the ceiling. You can find this bustling market on Ismael Valdés Vergara, situated between Puente and 21 de Mayo.
Market Information
Detailed Overview
Since the city’s initial expansion, the area now housing the Central Market had served as a customary spot for itinerant markets. In 1839, an open-air market emerged here, laying the groundwork for what would become the Central Market. However, as the 19th century drew to a close, this market proved inadequate for Valencia’s needs. Consequently, the Valencia City Council organized two competitions to design and construct a new market that could better meet the demands of the growing city.
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